Sausage Balls Recipe (2024)

This sausage balls recipe is a blend of pork sausage, cheddar cheese, Bisquick and seasonings, all formed into balls and baked to golden brown perfection. A classic appetizer recipe that’s great for feeding a crowd!

When I’m entertaining, I like to offer a variety of hot appetizers including little smokies, bacon cheese fries and these hearty sausage balls. These sausage bites are the first thing to disappear at any party.

Sausage Balls Recipe (1)

Sausage balls are a traditional party snack for good reason – they have just a handful of ingredients, are super easy to make and are totally delicious! My version uses plenty of cheese to really take the flavor to the next level.

Sausage ball ingredients

Sausage Balls Recipe (2)

This recipe contains sausage, baking mix (such as Bisquick), cheddar cheese, onion, garlic, milk, pepper and parsley.

How do you make sausage balls?

Place sausage, Bisquick, cheddar cheese, onion, garlic and seasonings in a bowl. Mix until everything is thoroughly combined and makes a stiff dough. Scoop out the sausage mixture and form into balls. Place the balls on a sheet pan, then bake until golden brown and cooked through. Add a sprinkle of parsley, then serve with a dipping sauce of your choice.

Sausage Balls Recipe (3)

Tips for the perfect sausage balls

  • I use rolls of bulk pork sausage such as Jimmy Dean. This sausage is readily available in the breakfast meat area of most grocery stores.
  • Use a measuring spoon or small cookie scoop to portion out the sausage mixture so that all of the balls are the same size and cook at the same rate.
  • Skip the bags of pre-shredded cheese at the store and grate your own cheddar. The store bought shredded cheese is often coated with anti caking agents and preservatives and does not melt smoothly.
  • You can use a spoon to mix the sausage mixture, or put everything into the bowl of a mixer to make the job go even faster.
  • Sausage balls stay fresh in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat any leftovers in the oven at 325 degrees F until warmed through.
  • This recipe is typically made with Bisquick baking mix, but another similar brand will also work just fine.
  • I typically serve this dish with a side of honey mustard sauce for dipping, but other great options include ketchup, ranch, BBQ sauce or horseradish sauce.
  • You can prepare the sausage mixture and roll the balls up to 8 hours before you plan to bake them.
Sausage Balls Recipe (4)

Recipe FAQs

What are sausage balls made of?

This dish is made with bulk breakfast sausage, baking mix, cheddar cheese, and a variety of spices and seasonings.

How can you tell if sausage balls are fully cooked?

Sausage bites are fully cooked when they are deep golden brown, and a thermometer inserted into the middle reads at least 160 degrees F.

Can you freeze sausage balls?

You can freeze the balls for up to 2 months. You can thaw before reheating, or reheat from frozen. I recommend reheating them in the oven until they’re warmed through, which should take about 15 minutes at 350 degrees F.

Sausage Balls Recipe (5)

Flavor Variations

While this recipe is fabulous as-is, feel free to add other ingredients to customize the flavors to your tastes.

  • Sausage: Swap out the breakfast style sausage for Italian sausage or turkey sausage. Just be sure to use uncooked sausage, not the cooked or smoked varieties.
  • Cheese: Instead of cheddar, try colby jack, swiss, mozzarella or pepper jack. Parmesan cheese is also a great choice.
  • Flavorings: Stir in some spices such as smoked paprika, Italian seasoning, Cajun seasoning or chili powder.
  • Herbs: Add in a handful of finely chopped fresh herbs including green onions, parsley or thyme.

When you’re looking for an easy appetizer that’s sure to please, these sausage bites always hit the spot!

More appetizer recipes to try

  • Spinach Artichoke Dip
  • Mini Pizzas
  • Mediterranean Mezze Platter
  • Mini Quiches
  • Bacon Wrapped Dates

Sausage Balls Video

This sausage balls recipe is a blend of pork sausage, cheddar cheese, bisquick and seasonings, all formed into balls and baked to golden brown perfection. A classic appetizer recipe that's great for feeding a crowd!


Prep Time20 minutes minutes

Cook Time20 minutes minutes

Total Time40 minutes minutes

Course Appetizer

Serves 36 balls


  • 2 16 ounce rolls pork sausage such as Jimmy Dean
  • 1 1/2 cups all purpose baking mix such as Bisquick
  • 4 cups shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 cup onion finely grated
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
  • cooking spray


  • Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Coat a rimmed sheet pan with cooking spray.

  • Place the sausage, baking mix, cheese, onion, garlic, milk and black pepper in a bowl; stir until thoroughly combined. A stand mixers works great for this!

  • Roll the meat mixture into 1 inch balls and place on the baking sheet. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until browned. Sprinkle with parsley then serve immediately with a dipping sauce of your choice.


  1. I use rolls of bulk pork sausage such as Jimmy Dean. This sausage is readily available in the breakfast meat area of most grocery stores.
  2. Use a measuring spoon or small cookie scoop to portion out the sausage mixture so that all of the balls are the same size and cook at the same rate.
  3. Skip the bags of pre-shredded cheese at the store and grate your own cheddar. The store bought shredded cheese is often coated with anti caking agents and preservatives and does not melt smoothly.


Calories: 149kcal | Carbohydrates: 3g | Protein: 7g | Fat: 11g | Saturated Fat: 5g | Cholesterol: 31mg | Sodium: 302mg | Potassium: 86mg | Vitamin A: 145IU | Vitamin C: 0.2mg | Calcium: 104mg | Iron: 0.5mg

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Originally Posted January 27, 2023


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Why are my sausage balls so dry? ›

Why are my sausage balls so dry? Sausage balls can dry out if there is too much Bisquick mix in the sausage mixture or if the sausage balls were not mixed well enough. You can try adding a little bit of milk if the mixture still seems too dry. But be careful not to add too much liquid.

How to keep sausage balls from burning on the bottom? ›

  1. Line the baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat (Silpat) to create a barrier between the sausage balls and the direct heat of the baking sheet. ...
  2. If possible, choose a light-colored baking sheet. ...
  3. Check early and often.
Jan 11, 2024

Are you supposed to refrigerate sausage balls? ›

Sausage balls can sit out while serving for up to two hours. Past that point, they should be refrigerated and reheated. Do sausage balls need a dipping sauce? Sausage balls are delicious all on their own, but you can pair with ranch, honey mustard, or any other dipping sauce you love.

Why do my sausage balls go flat? ›

Why did my sausage balls turn out flat? This could be due to the use of pre-shredded cheese or not mixing the ingredients well. Make sure to use freshly shredded cheese and mix the ingredients thoroughly for best results.

What makes sausage moist? ›

Fat: Like water, fat also helps keep sausage moist and adds a buttery flavor.

How do you keep sausage moist and cooked? ›

To determine whether it's done, you can measure the internal temperature with a meat thermometer. Sausages should reach 155–165°F (68–74°C). Alternatively, boiling them before cooking in a pan or on a grill can ensure that they're thoroughly cooked and remain moist.

How do you keep the bottom of sausage rolls from getting soggy? ›

Why do my homemade sausage rolls have soggy bottoms? To prevent soggy sausage rolls, make sure your oven is preheated before cooking. Ensure to space out the sausage rolls on the baking tray when cooking to ensure there is enough room for the air to circulate and allow them to crisp up.

How to bake without burning the bottom? ›

Instead of greasing your cookie sheet, line it with a sheet of parchment paper or a silicone baking mat. Either will prevent sticking and help protect the bottoms of your cookies. And no, neither wax paper nor aluminum foil will not work as a substitute.

How do you cook sausages so they don't burn? ›

Remember, keep the man on a medium heat so that the sausages don't burn on the outside before they are fully cooked inside. It also helps to add a little fat to the pan before adding the sausages. It should be noted that this is the best method to cook Redefine Sausage and Redefine Bratwurst.

Is it OK to eat cooked sausage left out overnight? ›

The Two-Hour Rule

Havern explains: "The maximum amount of time perishable foods can [spend] in the danger zone is two hours. At two hours, the food must be consumed, stored correctly, or thrown away. This includes all cooked leftovers, [chopped] fruits and vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products."

What sausage does not need to be refrigerated? ›

All sausage — except dry sausage — is perishable and therefore must be kept refrigerated.

Can I freeze sausage? ›

Freezing keeps food safe indefinitely. Keep sausages in the freezer (0 °F or less) for one to two months for best quality.

How many cups of cheese are in a pound? ›

If you have a full 1 pound block equals 2.67 cups of cubes. When grated, our 1/4 pound block of cheese yielded 1 cup of shredded cheese, or 4 cups from a 1 pound block of cheese. Bleu cheese is normally crumbled, not grated or cubed but we found that 1/4 pound still equaled 1 cup.

What are the little hard things in sausage? ›

THE HARD CHUNK IN SAUSAGE? What we thought: A tiny chip of bone. What it is: Sometimes it is a chip, bit more often it's a bit of tough connective tissue—a ligament or tendon—that toughens as the meat cooks.

What are the chewy bits in sausage? ›

Once cooked, if they can be squished apart with your fingers they're fat; if they're crunchy when you bite into them they're cartilage; if they're very chewy they're connective tissue.

Why are my homemade sausages dry? ›

Keep all your bits cold:

This leads to a dry, crumbly and less flavorful sausage. We recommend putting your meat or sausage mix and also your grinder blade and plate into the freezer for a minimum of 20 minutes before you start your grinding and sausage making.

How do you keep sausage patties from drying out? ›

When cooking the patties, do not press the patties into the pan. This will press out the juices and fat and result in dry sausage patties. I know it's tempting but just leave the patties alone to brown. Now you are ready to serve your patties!

How do you cook sausage without drying it out? ›

The best way to cook a fresh sausage (and it won't hurt a smoked sausage) is to poach it first. Start by getting a pan of salted water up to poaching temperature, so between 160 and 190 degrees, uncovered. Add your sausages and cook thoroughly. For the size of our sausages, this takes about 25 minutes.

How do you keep sausage dry? ›

There are many ways to preserve sausages, but the most effective is to put them in the fridge. It is an ideal artificial version that is very close to what was once the pantry. In the fridge the healing process is slowed down and you will have the sausage in the ideal drying point longer.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.