Things to Consider Before Remarrying (2024)

Remarriage is when a person marries again when a previous marriage ends due to divorce or being widowed. Remarrying after the end of a previous marriage or the loss of your spouse can be a major adjustment. The reality is that subsequent marriages are often faced with challenges that are not present in first marriages, primarily the addition of stepchildren and former spouses.

It is important to be aware of the challenges you might face if you are thinking about tying the knot a second time. Before you decide to say "I do" again, here are some important things that you should consider.

At a Glance

Remarriage isn't always easy, and statistics suggest that second marriages may have high divorce rates. While challenges like past resentments, pre-existing financial burdens, and shared children can make remarriage more difficult, taking steps to address these issues can protect your relationship. Make sure you're ready to commit, work on relationships with your step-kids, and be open with your current partner. By being proactive, you can help ensure that your remarriage will be healthy, happy, and lasting.

Remarriage Statistics

Before you decide to give marriage another chance, it is important to decide if both of you are ready for the work that it will take. According to many estimates, the odds may not be in your favor.

Some older statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau suggested that the divorce rate for second marriages was around 60%. However, it is important to note that divorce rates have changed in recent decades. While the oft-cited statistic is that half of all marriages fail, some of the most current research suggests that the divorce rate is closer to 40% for first marriages.

"Second marriages have a higher rate of failure than do first marriages. The divorce rate for first marriages is somewhere between 35% and 50%, but for second marriages it's estimated to be as high as 65%," explain Rob Pascale and Louis Primavera in their book "Making Marriage Work: Avoiding the Pitfalls and Achieving Success."

A 2015 study published in the Journal of Family Issues found that while remarriages are more likely than first marriages to end in divorce, the evidence does not necessarily suggest that there is a causal link between marriage order and the long-term stability of the relationship.

The number of remarried people is three times greater than it was in 1960. According to a 2013 analysis by the Pew Research Center, 42 million Americans reported being married more than once. And around one in five of the people surveyed who were divorced or widowed reported wanting to remarry in the future.

Remarriage Comes With Challenges

Remarriages have a number of obstacles that first marriages don't necessarily have to contend with. These challenges include:

  • Lingering resentments towards your ex-partner
  • Increased independence
  • Altered social networks as a result of divorce
  • Shared financial obligations
  • Shared children

"When couples begin a remarriage, the most frequent mistake they make is expecting that everything will fall into place and run on automatic,” explains Terry Gaspard, therapist and author of "The Marriage Manual: How to Make Everything Work Better the Second Time Around."

The challenges of weaving two separate lives into a marriage require work. And remarrying comes with additional challenges that need to be addressed.

Differing parenting styles, daily routines, financial obligations, legal matters, and relationships with other people can all make remarriage much more difficult.

Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW

If you haven’t established a strong connection and are unprepared to deal with conflict and lack the tools to repair daily breakdowns in communication, you may end up pointing fingers at each other rather than being supportive.

— Terry Gaspard, MSW, LICSW

Address Issues Holding You Back

Personal characteristics that undermine the success of long-term relationships also need to be addressed before committing to another marriage.

In order for a remarriage to be successful, it is important to recognize what went wrong in the first one. While many people emerge from a divorce blaming their problems on their ex, being realistic about your own part in the failure of the relationship is essential for the success of future relationships.

Try to take an objective look at why your first marriage didn’t work and think about your own role in that breakdown. Perhaps you weren’t emotionally ready for marriage last time. Or maybe you had anger issues or financial problems.

If you haven’t taken steps to change the things that negatively influenced your last relationships, chances are things won’t go any better the second time around.

Remarriage and Mental Health

Some research also suggests that the interpersonal and financial difficulties associated with remarriage may have a significant impact on mental health. A 2015 study found that men who had remarried had a significantly higher risk for depression compared to men who had remained divorced.

Assess Your Readiness for Commitment

What is it that makes remarriage challenging? The failure of a first marriage can sometimes lead people to feel distrustful and anxious about future relationships.

"They may still harbor anger, resentment, or feelings of betrayal, which they bring into their next relationship," Pascale and Primavera say. "That can make it hard for them to connect to their new partner."

Going through one unsuccessful marriage and then divorce can change a person's perspective and understanding of relationships. People who have already walked away from one unhappy marriage may be less inclined to endure a return to the same unhappiness when a subsequent marriage becomes rocky.

While it is common to resent an ex, experts also suggest that lingering feelings of attachment to a former spouse are also quite common.

Approximately a third of divorced people still feel a sense of attachment or connection to their ex even years after the marriage has ended.

This can make it difficult to fully commit to a new relationship and can lead new partners to feel jealous or even resentful of your connection to your former spouse.

Build Healthy Step-Relationships

Research suggests that approximately one-third of Americans (around 113.6 million people) are a member of a step-family. Stepchildren can also be a significant challenge that may work against the success of remarriage. Poor relationships between stepparents and stepchildren are often cited as a reason why remarriages fail.

"Remarried wives evaluate the quality of their marriages primarily by the relationship she and her husband have with his and her children," Pascale and Primavera suggest.

Remarrying is an opportunity for a fresh start, but in many cases it means blending two families together. Before you say "I do" again, spend some time planning how this process will happen.

If you have kids from a previous relationship, your new partner will be spending time with your kids and will probably interact with your ex from time to time. And if your new partner has kids with an ex, you need to be prepared to form healthy relationships with their children and deal with the reality that their ex-spouse will continue to have contact and regular interaction with your new spouse.

Tips for Making Your Remarriage Work

So what can you do to help ensure the success of your relationship if you are remarrying:

  • Make your marriage a priority.
  • Let go of anger and resentments from your past relationships.
  • Work on your communication and maintain openness and honesty with your partner.
  • Address issues before they become bigger problems.
  • Learn how to manage conflict in a relationship.
  • Build positive relationships with stepchildren.

Research also suggests that being willing to adapt is important when remarrying. Getting married again often comes with other major life shifts, including changes in living situations, finances, roles, and relationships with family and friends.

Being open to adapting and accommodating your own and your partner’s needs is important to the success of a new relationship.

Signs You Aren’t Ready to Remarry

Some red flags that you or your partner aren't really ready to remarry include:

  • You still fantasize about getting back together with your former spouse.
  • You are angry or bitter about your ex and the divorce.
  • You don't feel like you can be honest with your new partner.
  • You don't have the same values or goals as your new partner.

But just because you aren’t ready yet doesn’t mean that remarrying should be completely off the table in the future. Couples counseling or premarital counseling can be useful before you decide to tie the knot. Whether you see a therapist individually or as a couple, a mental health professional can help you gain a clearer picture of the issues that may have caused your first divorce.

They can also help you build trust and communication with your current partner, which can help pave the path for a healthy and lasting relationship.

What This Means For You

Statistics suggest that remarriages are at a high risk for divorce. However, being aware of the obstacles and prepared to manage these challenges can help make your new marriage a success.

Talk openly and honestly with your partner about these challenges—including children and finances—and how you will manage them as a couple if you do decide to recommit to marriage once again.

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Things to Consider Before Remarrying (2024)


Things to Consider Before Remarrying? ›

Factors influencing likelihood of remarriage

Age is another determining factor; women who are older than 25 at the time of divorce are less likely to remarry than women who are younger at the time of marital dissolution. Having children is associated with higher rates of remarriage for men and women.

How do you know if you should remarry? ›

Here are seven points to help you decide if getting remarried is right for you.
  1. You've let go of the past. ...
  2. You fully know this person. ...
  3. You're getting married for the right reasons. ...
  4. You've given yourself enough time and space. ...
  5. You can overcome things together. ...
  6. Your finances are compatible.
May 28, 2021

What are the factors of remarriage? ›

Factors influencing likelihood of remarriage

Age is another determining factor; women who are older than 25 at the time of divorce are less likely to remarry than women who are younger at the time of marital dissolution. Having children is associated with higher rates of remarriage for men and women.

What to discuss before a second marriage? ›

Let's dive in. Here are the ten questions to ask before a second marriage.
  • What do you love most about your partner? ...
  • How will you handle finances in your marriage? ...
  • Do you want children? ...
  • How will you share household responsibilities once married? ...
  • Will you have rituals of connection?
Aug 12, 2021

How long should a divorced person wait to remarry? ›

Now, you may not want to wait three years before remarrying, and that's okay. But there's something to be said for waiting at least one year before planning a wedding. Also, you should always verify that both you and your new partner are fully over your previous marriages before deciding to tie the knot again.

What are the red flags for second marriage? ›

Some red flags that you or your partner aren't really ready to remarry include: You still fantasize about getting back together with your former spouse. You are angry or bitter about your ex and the divorce. You don't feel like you can be honest with your new partner.

What is the average length of a second marriage? ›

The average length of a first marriage that ends in divorce is roughly eight years—7.8 years for men, 7.9 for women. Moving into second marriages that end in divorce, the timeline shortens somewhat. In these cases, the median length for men is 7.3 years, while for women it drops to 6.8 years.

What are the biblical grounds for remarriage? ›

Remarriage of An Offending Mate – The biblical freedom to remarry is based on several factors including the individual's demonstrated repentance, their mate's marital status, and their grounds for divorce.

Who is least likely to remarry after divorce? ›

Men tend to remarry sooner (3 years after divorce on average vs. 5 years on average for women). Many women do not remarry because they do not want to remarry. Traditionally, marriage has provided more benefits to men than to women.

What is the success rate of remarriage? ›

Share this post: While many couples see remarriage as a second chance at happiness, the statistics tell a different story. According to available Census data, the divorce rate for second marriages in the United States is over 60% compared to around 50% for first marriages.

How do I protect myself in a second marriage? ›

Using a trust (to protect your assets owned by the trust) AND a prenuptial agreement (to protect any assets not owned by your trust) to plan for your financial future prior to marriage offers the best protection.

What is proper etiquette for a second marriage? ›

"With second marriages, in particular, it's good to acknowledge what's so special about this person and this relationship," she says. "This is when personal vows or a story told by the officiant can really help to share that love."

How long do you date before 2nd marriage? ›

Date for 3+ years to reduce the chance of divorce.

Research suggests an even smaller chance of divorce, with the likelihood dropping by 50% for 3 or more years of dating. It's okay if you don't want to wait 3 years, but if you do, use that time to get your relationship ready for marriage.

What is the 5 year remarry rule? ›

U.S. law is set up so that people who divorce and remarry after getting a green card through marriage are expected to wait at least five years after they got their permanent residence before petitioning for a new spouse to receive the same benefit. (See 8 C.F.R. § 204.2.)

What year of marriage is most common for divorce? ›

After all, almost 50% of first marriages, 60% of second marriages, and 73% of third marriages end in divorce. While there are countless divorce studies with conflicting statistics, the data points to two periods during a marriage when divorces are most common: years 1 – 2 and years 5 – 8.

What percentage of divorced couples remarry each other again? ›

Reunion Rates: Between 10-15% of separated couples reconcile, and approximately 6% of divorced couples remarry each other. Age's Role: Marrying at a younger age can influence decisions and perspectives on relationships. As individuals mature, they might reconsider previous choices, leading to potential reunions.

Who is most likely to remarry after divorce? ›

Among people who can remarry—those who had a marriage end in divorce or the death of a spouse—men are more likely to tie the knot again than women. The gap has narrowed some over the years, but statistically, men remain much more prone to multiple marriages.

What age do most people get remarried? ›

Does Age Impact the Rate of Remarriage?
  • 18 to 24 years – 29% will remarry.
  • 25 to 34 years – 43% will remarry.
  • 35 to 44 years – 57% will remarry.
  • 45 to 54 years – 63% will remarry.
  • 55 to 64 years – 67% will remarry.
  • 65 years and older – 50% will remarry.

Who tends to remarry the most? ›

Men Are More Likely to Remarry

The rate for women was significantly lower, at only 19.4 per 1,000 women eligible for remarriage. This data indicates that men are consistently more likely to attempt a second marriage than women. Over the past decade, there has been a decline in remarriage rates for both men and women.

How do you know if marriage is the next step? ›

  • 01 of 19. You truly know each other. ...
  • 02 of 19. You trust your partner. ...
  • 03 of 19. Your goals align. ...
  • 04 of 19. You don't have any assumptions about those goals. ...
  • 05 of 19. You feel safe with them. ...
  • 06 of 19. You have seen hard times. ...
  • 07 of 19. You want a marriage not a wedding. ...
  • 08 of 19. Your family likes your partner.
Nov 14, 2023

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