Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Explained - (2024)

When someone serves on a business’s board of directors or is a company officer, they represent that organization. If their actions are perceived to have an adverse effect on the company, they’re vulnerable to lawsuits for those alleged wrongful acts. Directors and officers (D&O) insurance covers fiduciary claims against those who serve as directors or officers of a company, protecting their personal assets.

Editor’s note: Looking for the right liability insurance for your business? Fill out the below questionnaire to have our vendor partners contact you about your needs.

What is D&O insurance?

Directors and officers liability insurance, often shortened to D&O insurance, is atype of business insurancethat pays the costs of lawsuits or claims arising from allegations that a director or officer breached their fiduciary responsibility while serving the company.

Without a D&O insurance policy, directors and officers could be held personally liable for losses. The insurance policy can either pay legal fees directly or pay for the company’s defense of its directors and officers.

D&O insurance coverage is available for directors and officers of private companies. Nonprofit organization directors and officers also often take out D&O insurance to protect themselves against such claims.

D&O insurance gives those who serve on the board of directors the confidence to devote their time and energy to the business or organization, without the fear of being held personally liable for damages. If they’re accused of misuse of funds or other fiduciary violations, the D&O policy kicks in to cover their defense costs.


Organizations should also consider fiduciary liability insurance if they offer employee benefits plans. Fiduciary liability insurance protects directors, officers and plan administrators if honest, innocent and negligent mistakes lead to financial losses for the plan.

Why do you need D&O insurance?

All businesses, regardless of their size, are at risk for D&O claims. Obtaining D&O insurance is crucial for the following reasons:

  • D&O insurance protects personal assets. Without a D&O policy, directors and officers could be sued personally for decisions they made while running a company. A D&O policy pays for the costs associated with any potential lawsuits. It also protects your personal assets if the company declares bankruptcy and you’re subject to creditor claims.
  • D&O insurance protects you from the costs of spying and theft. Industrial espionage, corporate spying and theft are ongoing threats that drive cyberattacks and other corporate disturbances. These cases can incur massive legal costs, particularly when customer poaching or intellectual property theft occurs. D&O insurance protects you from these costs.
  • D&O insurance protects against corporate governance claims. Directors and officers have a fiduciary duty to make decisions that benefit the business’s shareholders. Disgruntled shareholders, especially activist investors, may seek legal action against board members if they believe specific decisions are not in their best interests. D&O insurance can cover these legal costs.
  • D&O insurance protects against employee grievances. While many employees’ grievances are handled via employment practices liability insurance claims, claims against a business’s directors and officers often aren’t. In such cases, D&O insurance protects directors’ and officers’ personal assets from being seized due to such lawsuits.
  • D&O insurance protects against compliance issues. To operate legally, companies must navigate many state and federal laws. These include regulations regarding reporting errors related to profit and taxation, the management of company funds, and workplace health and safety. Sometimes, regulators or law enforcement officials may try to hold company directors and officers accountable for systemic failures within a business. D&O insurance protects them in these situations.
  • D&O insurance can help you recruit board members. Without a D&O policy, it may be challenging to convince qualified individuals to become executives and board members at your company. They face much less risk with a D&O policy in place.
  • D&O insurance may be required by investors. Many venture capital firms require D&O coverage before they invest to protect them from insurance claims.

Did You Know?

D&O insurance differs from professional liability insurance. Professional liability insurance covers financial losses a business incurs when it's sued. In contrast, D&O insurance protects the personal assets of directors and officers.

Who needs D&O insurance?

These types of companies and organizations may benefit the most from a D&O policy:

  • Nonprofits: Many nonprofit organizations have volunteer directors on their boards; these individuals would be taking on liability for no real benefit if the organization didn’t have a D&O policy. Obtaining D&O insurance shows your desire to protect the people helping to build the organization.
  • Businesses with stakeholders: Many for-profit companies, including publicly traded ones, take out D&O policies to appease stakeholders and lessen their risk.
  • Organizations raising capital: Startups or companies that fundraise often fall under heavier scrutiny for the actions of their boards. Without D&O insurance in place, raising capital could be more difficult.
  • Smaller businesses with active boards: When family members run a small business, stakeholders tend to scrutinize board members’ actions less. Still, if a small business has an active board making critical business decisions about operations or financial strategies that could raise concerns among other stakeholders, it should consider a D&O policy.

C-suite roles have evolved from traditional CEOs and chief operating officers to include chief technical officers and chief experience officers. These newer roles reflect the greater role of technology in business and a focus on end users.

What does D&O insurance cover?

While a D&O policy is designed to protect directors and officers from personal financial loss in a claim, policies have different aspects that cover various situations. Here’s an overview of the three primary D&O insurance coverage types:

Side A

This protects directors and officers in cases where the company cannot indemnify the participants, such as in bankruptcy proceedings.

Side B

This protects the company when it decides to indemnify the participants. For example, if the board is sued and the company defends the directors, the D&O policy will reimburse the company for any defense costs.

Side C

Sometimes called “corporate entity coverage,” this protects the company and its corporate assets from lawsuits over financial mismanagement. This coverage comes into play if stockholders sue the business instead of the board of directors directly.

A company and its board of directors are often named in a lawsuit. By naming all parties, including the company, those filing the lawsuit have the best chance of getting restitution from one or more of those named in the suit.

Duty to indemnify vs. duty to defend

The D&O policy will approach legal defense in one of two ways: It will reimburse defense costs or pay them directly. There’s a bit more to this concept:

  • Duty to indemnify: When a policy is designed with a duty to indemnify, the insured can choose their own counsel and know they’re getting the best representation possible. However, in these cases, the D&O policy will indemnify those costs based on what is deemed reasonable. Here’s where some frustration can occur: An insured’s idea of “reasonable” can be very different from the insurance company’s. In some cases, the insurance company may not pay all costs.
  • Duty to defend: When a policy is designed with the duty to defend, the insurance carrier directly pays the costs of legal counsel. In this case, the insured doesn’t choose their counsel. While this mitigates extra costs that might go unpaid and often expedites the settlement process, an insured may feel they’re not getting the absolute best defense.

What doesn’t D&O insurance cover?

As with any insurance policy, there are limits to what a D&O insurance policy covers. A D&O policy does not cover the following:

  • Internal conflicts: A D&O policy will not protect directors and officers who sue each other. If there is an internal conflict, this falls outside the scope of the policy.
  • Fraud: While a D&O policy may cover financial mismanagement, it will draw the line at fraudulent acts. If a final judgment against a director or officer finds them guilty of fraud, the insurance company will not pay the claim. In that case, the defendant would have to pay all legal costs.

What does the D&O policy pay?

The D&O insurance policy will pay for legal fees and any settlements or judgments obtained. It’s important to understand that the policy’s limits are an aggregate total, meaning the policy limit includes both legal fees and awards. Depending on how costly the litigation is, the D&O policy could quickly reduce claim limits.

For example, if the D&O policy had an aggregate limit of $1 million and there were $300,000 in legal fees, there would be only $700,000 left to pay settlements.

General liability insurance is another essential business insurance policy. This insurance protects your business if a third party is injured on your premises.

How much does D&O insurance cost?

Many factors affect the price of a D&O insurance policy, including the insurance carrier’s risk assessment. When determining the cost of a policy, the insurance carrier considers these factors:

  • Legal and claims history
  • Company assets
  • Company debts
  • Revenue
  • Industry

Obviously, the bigger your organization, the more risk you have and the more your policy will cost. Insurance carriers prefer financially stable companies with a low incidence of lawsuits and claims. Premiums are the lowest for these businesses.

As a rule of thumb, you’ll pay approximately $5,000 per year in premiums for every $1 million in coverage. Small businesses pay, on average, around $140 a month.

The more coverage you need, the costlier the policy gets. If you already have important business insurance policies, such asemployment practices liability insuranceorprofessional liability insurance, check with your insurance provider about adding a D&O policy.

Mark Fairlie contributed to this article.

Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Explained - (2024)


Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Explained - ›

D&O insurance may be required by investors.

Do I need directors and officers liability? ›

If directors and officers do not have insurance, they face a greater risk of not being able to defend themselves against: disqualification from holding the position of director. civil proceedings which can lead to hefty legal costs and awards for damages.

What does D&O insurance not cover? ›

D&O policies include an exclusion for losses related to criminal or deliberately fraudulent activities. Additionally, if an individual insured receives illegal profits or remuneration to which they were not legally entitled, they will not be covered if a lawsuit is brought forward due to this.

Should an LLC have D&O insurance? ›

Directors and Officers (D&O) insurance: If your LLC has a Board of Directors, your board members or appointed officers could be personally sued by employees, investors or competitors over the management of the company. D&O insurance will cover these legal costs and keep their personal assets protected.

Do small businesses need D&O insurance? ›

Customers, vendors, employees, and even other partners and directors can bring legal action against the directors. When you incorporate your small business, you need a particular type of insurance coverage, known as directors and officers liability insurance.

Is D&O insurance the same as general liability? ›

D&O insurance policies always include a bodily injury and property damage exclusion. These events are covered by your commercial general liability insurance policy, so this exclusion limits any overlap between the two insurance policies.

What is needed to quote D&O insurance? ›

The cost of D&O insurance is based on a variety of factors, including the type of business, your company's revenues, whether you have had prior legal claims, and the amount of debt.

Who should have directors and officers insurance? ›

Who is D&O liability insurance right for? All organizations, including private companies, public companies and financial institutions with boards of directors, should have directors & officers liability insurance coverage. Claims against companies and their directors and officers are increasingly common.

Who pays for D&O insurance? ›

A company pays for this coverage so executives can serve confidently as leaders of their organization without fear of personal financial loss. In essence, D&O is a liability insurance policy, payable either to directors and officers of a company or the company itself.

Why is D&O insurance so expensive? ›

Risk Appetite

The price of D&O insurance may also depend on how willing you are to tolerate risk. Risk-averse businesses can elect a lower retention (the amount that must be paid by the insured before the insurance policy kicks in). This will cause the price to increase.

Do privately held companies need D&O insurance? ›

It is a common misconception that because a privately held company is not publicly traded, it does not have D&O exposure. Nothing could be further from the truth. While publicly traded companies tend to have heightened exposure by comparison, privately held companies are also at risk for D&O claims.

Are directors and officers personally liable? ›

A corporation is its own legal person and can be held legally responsible for its own actions, torts, and contracts. Directors and officers, therefore, are not usually personally responsible for these failures by the corporation.

When should you get D&O insurance? ›

Given the complexity and costs of these claims, any company or organization with a board of directors, has secured investments, or could be accused of financial mismanagement should strongly consider D&O insurance.

What is an example of a directors and officers claim? ›

Directors and officers at a company failed to disclose material facts and provided inaccurate and misleading information to their investors. It was alleged that the materials did not disclose the high turnover of management and that the company's website had not yet been developed. The company later went bankrupt.

How much D&O insurance is enough? ›

Many lawyers argue the minimum for any public company regardless of size, should start at 5-10 Mill. Public companies also generally have more complex towers with multiple layers of coverage, including Excess Side A insurance.

What is a typical D&O policy? ›

The typical D&O insurance policy contains three types of insuring agreements. They're commonly referred to as Side A, Side B, and Side C. Side A coverage covers directors and officers for claims where the company refuses to or is financially unable to pay for indemnification.

What exclusions does D&O insurance cover? ›

Standard Exclusions in D&O Policies
  • Breach of Contract. ...
  • “Other” Insurance. ...
  • Personal Gain. ...
  • Discrimination/Wrongful Termination. ...
  • Dishonest, Wrongful, Fraudulent Conduct. ...
  • Fines, Penalties, and Punitive Damages. ...
  • Prior Acts. ...
  • Defamation, Libel, and Slander Claims.

Should a nonprofit have D&O insurance? ›

With the average claim against non-profit directors and officers costing around $35,000 to settle, it is necessary for non-profit organizations of all sizes to secure D&O insurance. There is no standardization of policy forms for D&O coverage, so reviewing your risks with your insurance advisor is essential.

Does an LLC need D&O insurance? ›

Having A D&O Insurance Plan Is Not Compulsory

Businesses can avoid getting it if the expense exceeds their needs. Moreover, public businesses are more likely to opt for it, as they have bigger risks to handle. However, the costs associated with a D&O lawsuit have made it a necessity for many businesses.

What does director's liability insurance cover? ›

D&O insurance reimburses the defense costs incurred by board members, managers, and employees in defending against claims made by shareholders or third parties for alleged wrongdoing. D&O insurance also covers monetary damages, settlements, and awards resulting from such claims.

What is directors and officers liability insurance basics? ›

Directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance protects the personal assets of corporate directors and officers, and their spouses, in the event they are personally sued by employees, vendors, competitors, investors, customers, or other parties, for actual or alleged wrongful acts in managing a company.

What is another name for D&O insurance? ›

Directors and officers liability insurance (also written directors' and officers' liability insurance; often called D&O) is liability insurance payable to the directors and officers of a company, or to the organization itself, as indemnification (reimbursem*nt) for losses or advancement of defense costs in the event an ...

Is D&O always claims made? ›

D&O liability insurance policies are almost always "claims-made," meaning that they cover a Claim first made during the policy period, and some policies also require that notice to the insurance company be given during the policy period or shortly thereafter.

How much does D&O tail coverage cost? ›

(To put it in to perspective, the cost of D&O Tail coverage is about $20K to $50K. That's a fraction of the cost of a R&W policy. And the deductible on a Tail policy is $25K to $50K, which is also a fraction of what it is for R&W.)

Is D&O worth it? ›

Given the complexity and costs of these claims, any company or organization with a board of directors, has secured investments, or could be accused of financial mismanagement should strongly consider D&O insurance.

Why do nonprofits need directors and officers insurance? ›

Nonprofit directors and officers (D&O) liability insurance helps cover the defense costs, settlements and judgments arising out of lawsuits and wrongful act allegations brought against a nonprofit organization.

How much D&O insurance should a nonprofit have? ›

If your organization doesn't have any employees, you can purchase $1 million in D&O limits for approximately $600 each year. If your organization has employees, you can pay around $1,200 for those with just a few employees to around $4K to $5K for up to 50 employees.

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