St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

Celebrating the life of Merle Kling June 15, 8, 2008 Memorial Service Sunday, June 1, 2008, 3:00 p.m. Whitaker Hall DanforthCampus Washington University During the service, guests will be invited to share their memories of Merle Kling Open to the public Please call 314-935-6917 or withany questions Metro 1 FRIDAY MAY 30, 2008 ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH STLTODAY.COM C7 Funeralnotices 87ofWebster Belovedhusband ofthelateFannieReinemer Violet(FrederickSchmelzer) andCathyL.Salter;dear tomany. DelmontwasaWWIIVeteran andaretiredLieutenantof WebsterGrovesPolice Department Services: 23W.LockwoodAve.,Webster BarracksNationalCemetery.If Friendsmaysignthe on-lineregisterbookat serviceSat.10a.m.St.Mary’s Catherine CityEducatorpassedaway Sheleavesbehindalargeand Services: BurialServicepri- vate.TheFamilyasksthatdona- tionsbemadetoGitanaProduc- LayneRenaissanceChapel.

raisedinWebster timeresidentofWarsonWoods, BelovedhusbandofMarthaL. Schindler(neeDeering)forthe Lerch)forthe39yearsprior; AlonzoandNancyL.Maxey; deargrandfatherofDevinW. DennisC.andJohnM.Deering, dearbrotherofBetty(JamesF.) friendtomany. Wendelwasachartermember ofForestHillsCountryClub, attendedtheUniversityof Missouriwherehewasamem- alsoamemberofAmerican Services: Memorialservice 10a.m.onFriday,May30that BonhommePresbyterian tionstoTheEvansScholarship KidneyFoundationwould beappreciated.Arrange- mentsbyBOPPChapel. AsleepinJesus, 2008.

Belovedhusband ofMagnoliaSchott(neeKopf). DearfatherofthelateMary EllenBerryandAnnaMae ofMaryLee(Bob)Bennett, DeckerandHaroldSchott. Gilbertwasinstrumentalinthe upbringingofMillieBrandtand thelateRoyandErnieWade. Mr.SchottwasaformerSun- dayschoolteacheratSt.Paul’s St.Mark’slu*theranChurch,Eu- reka.Heproudlyservedhis countryintheU.S.AirForce duringWWII.Gil,alongwithhis brothersweretheformerown- alsoamemberofEurekaLions ClubandAmericanLegionPost Services: FuneralServiceatSt. wood.Visitationatthe SCHRADERFuneralHome Eu- 3 8p.m.andatthechurch, Saturday10a.m.untiltimeof service.10thDistrictGuardof Friendsmaysignthe

Belovedhusband ofthelateGertrude dearfatherofJanetLee(Bob) HuntandRick(Vicki)Schuler; deargrandfatherofScottand grandfatherofElliottHunt; brotherofthelateMaryCrader; dearfriendtomany. Services: ofServiceat2p.m.atCHAPEL HillMemorialGardens. BelovedhusbandofSharonT. (KurtDavid)Calkinsand Heather(Justin)Stuteville; belovedgrandfatherofEthan HarryandHildaSilverstein; dearbrotherofEllenSilverstein Services: Road.Contributionsinhis memorymaybemadeto acharityofyourchoice. ARINDSKOPF-ROTH SERVICE.

LangendorfofSt.Louis,Karen FonkeofSt.Clair,Krista LouisandthelateMichael (Joann)SchmukeofBallwin; deargrandmotherofDawn grandmotherofBriannaand CadenBurns. Services: Funeralservices fromSOUTHERNFuneralHome, 6322SouthGrand.Intermentin ResurrectionCemetery.Visita- p.m.Memorialsmaybemadeto theHumaneSocietyandwillbe acceptedatthefuneralhome. Belovedhusbandofthelate LindaStout(neeChamblin); lovingfriendofKarenLoeffel; dearfatherofJohn(Connie), Kim(Donnie)andDanielStout, Lisa(Wesley)Turnbulland Al-QasemandGlenda(Robert) Services: FuneralfromKUTIS mentParkLawnCemetery. Contributionstothe AmericanCancerSociety appreciated.Visitation BelovedfatherofLindsay, RyanandVictoriaThoele; dearestsonofJo(neeBoyd) andthelateCharlesThoele; lovingbrotherofSteven(Ann) andJeanmarie(David)Market; dearnephewofClaireDeBolin cousinandfriend. Services: Memorialvistiationat KUTISSOUTHCOUNTYChapel, untilservicetimeat1p.m.In aspecialfundaccountopened forthebenefitoftheThoele childrenatMontgomeryBank, number10479805(Make ThoeleChildren.) (neeBallta)passedawayon herhusbandNick.

BelovedmotherofStephan, Services: Funeralfrom COLONIALMortuary HOFFMEISTER-KRIEGSHAUSER pewaatWatsononMonday, NicholasGreekOrthodoxChurch TheintermentwillfollowinSt. MatthewCemetery.Ifdesired, pleasemakeexpressionsof sympathyinmemoryofEffieto St.NicholasGreekOrthodox ationortheAmericanDiabetes Assocation.Visitationat ColonialMortuaryon Sundayfrom1-7PM withaTrisagionserv- iceimmediatelyfol- lowingat7PM. Beloveddaughterofthelate ElmerandMary(neeGaines) friend. Services: VisitationatKUTIS timeofserviceat1p.m. IntermentSt.Trinity Cemetery.

(neeSchwetz)fortifiedwiththe sacramentsofHolyMother Belovedwifeofthelate EugeneA.Thomas;dearmother ofthelateSusan(Dansurvives) friendofmanyandenjoyed squaredancing. Services: 10a.m.Saturdayat JOHNL.ZIEGENHEIN&SONS, 7027Gravois.IntermentSunset MemorialPark.Contributionsto AnimalProtectiveAssoc. areappreciated.Visita- Belovedwifeofthelate RobertF.Woodruff;dear motherofBob(Patty)andJim JenniferandDannyWoodruff; dearsisterofJack(Dot)Rey- friendtomany. Mrs.Woodruffwasaformer employeeofMcDonnellDouglas. Association.

Services: ServiceatALEXANDER RockRd.atLindbergh, termentMt.Lebanon Cemetery.VISITATION 20MasonicNotice GARDENVILLE513OES 8230Gravois.SpaghettiDinner/ 30InMemoriam ELMERH.KAUFFMANN Dad: 25yearssinceyouleftustoenter youinourprayerseveryday.Now knowthatyoubotharesmiling downonus. 50Florists SchnucksFlorist 65MetroLocations 314-997-2444 800-286-9557 SeeOurDisplayAd UnderFlorists 65 Mausoleums Bellerive Heritage ardens, Creve Coeur, MO. 1 lot. Garden of Pines. orig.

$3995; reduced to $2595; (636)978-1196 Lakeview Memorial ardens, Fairview Heights, IL, companion burial site, Garden Mausoleum. Reduced price $10,000. 812-449-0408 Mt. Hope emetery Companion Garden Crypt, Lemay, $5000. 487-4098 50Florists 50Florists 50Florists TributesofElegance Recognizedasoneofthecountry'slargest foritsbeautifulfloraldesignsandoutstanding service.TrustDierbergsFlorist&Giftswith yourfloralsympathyneeds. Order24Hours 314.692.2000or800.844.6007 Funeral Service Directory 55FuneralDirectors Loving people and serving "Kindness Always" (314) 352-2600 (314) 894-8444 Locally family-owned 7 administrator for the EPA in Kansas City, Kan. the most hazardous waste were buried in isolated pockets, evacuation might be the appropriate solution. Unfortunately, those materials are thoroughly mixed throughout material that lies on and beneath nearly 40 acres of the The EPA estimated that more than 250,000 cubic yards of waste would have to be removed if that were the option chosen, Askew said. you stacked that on the playing eld at the Edwards Jones Dome, it would go goal line to goal line, sideline to sideline, more than 140 feet he said. The radiological waste can be traced to Cold War-era uranium processing at Mallinckrodt Chemical Works in St.

Louis. Another company, later taken over by Cotter obtained 8,700 tons of leached barium sulfate residues from the processing. Cotter hired Construction Co. to haul the wastes to another of its facilities, but the hauler also dumped some of the waste product, containing 7 tons of uranium, mixed with 39,000 tons of soil, at the West Lake ll in 1973. The dirt was then used as a cover for trash dumped at the site.

The ll is on St. Charles Rock Road about two miles southeast of the Missouri River. An industrial park is just west of the site, and a residential subdivision is less than a mile to the south. Kathleen Logan Smith, director of the Missouri Coalition for the Environment, criticized the plan Thursday, calling it a that does nothing to assure groundwater be contaminated. have chosen probably the weakest possible thing they could have done, short of doing Smith said.

the very minimum, I would have liked to have seen them get the most radioactive part of the site out of the oodplain. are we doing? Just waiting? What doing is putting it off for another 25 Cecilia Tapia, director of the Region 7 Superfund Division, said construction may begin at the site next spring and may be completed by the following November. She said the engineered cover would have several layers to account for erosion and to prevent water from entering the ll. The layers likely would be made of clay and perhaps synthetic liners, she said. The estimated cost of about $22 million would be paid for by the U.S.

Department of Energy, the owners and others considered responsible for the waste, Tapia said. Regarding concerns as to whether the nearby Earth City levee might someday fail, Askew said the EPA believes the levee offers appropriate safeguards against ooding. if the levees nearby were somehow breached, there is ample evidence to suggest that the ll itself would not be compromised from a safety he said. really wish there could be a solution that everyone would cheer he said. solutions never exist with Superfund sites.

314-340-8259 Radiocative waste will be covered is that these long-term brain injuries are just devastating in many ways and can bankrupt a In mid-June, employer, Air Evac, will pay for him and flight nurse Marc Scholes to travel to county fairs, air shows and other gatherings and set up a booth about ATV safety. In the fall, the coalition hopes to bring its message to 1,000 kids in rural schools, using other paramedics and flight nurses to make presentations and hand out brochures and school materials. Hospital is the lead agency in the campaign. Other partners are Arch Medical Transport, Air Evac, Barnes- Jewish Hospital and Cares for Kids. Last year, Hospital treated 55 children hurt on ATVs.

In 2006, 45 were treated. So far this year, the hospital has treated 14 kids hurt on ATVs. unrealistic to tell kids not to ride said April Blastenbrei, a supervisor in the child health advocacy and outreach department at St. Louis Hospital. if going to ride them, we want them to ride In the last month alone, three young people from the area have died riding ATVs: Early on the morning of April 26, Joanna L.

Bendler, 19, of Lonedell, was killed when her ATV struck a tree on Project Road, south of Lonedell, according to the Missouri Highway Patrol. Early Tuesday, searchers found the body of DeSmet High School freshman Daniel R. Dorsey, 15, of St. Charles, in a ood-swol- len creek in Gasconade County. Daniel had been driving an ATV the day before on a family farm and apparently wrecked it in Sugar Creek, off Stolpe Road.

On Wednesday, Zachary T. Barker, 15, of Potosi, died in Washington County when a car struck the ATV he was riding. Details of the crash that killed Zachary are tragically familiar to medical workers who worry about kids on ATVs. About 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Zachary was on the back of the four-wheeler while his friend, David M.

Forister, 14, was driving. David drove the vehicle out of a ditch doing a and onto Highway 8 at Dunberry Road in Washington County. Their ATV crossed the eastbound lane without a problem. But it landed on all four wheels in the westbound lane and came to a complete stop right in the path of an oncoming car, said Brian DeClue, the coroner for Washington County. The car hit the ATV, throwing the boys about 60 feet.

DeClue said neither boy was wearing a helmet. Zachary died at the scene. David was taken by helicopter to Hospital, where he was in satisfactory condition Thursday. death was the second ATV-related fatality DeClue has handled in eight years as coroner of Washington County, where the vehicles are popular. talking country, what kids do in the DeClue said.

should have stayed in the Shane Skillett, president of the Mid Missouri Mudslingers ATV-riding group, said he makes his 16-year-old son abide by all safety rules especially wearing a helmet. not allowed on it without said Skillett, of Belton. Skillett said the lack of experience of some young riders can put them in danger. just have the skill that an adult has and they like to go he said. In Missouri, ATVs may not be legally driven on roadways, with very limited exceptions, said Capt.

Tim Hull of the Missouri Highway Patrol. When an ATV is on private property, there are no state requirements on the age of a driver, wearing a helmet or having a passenger, Hull said. Hull gave these tallies for ATV-related deaths in Missouri for the past few years: 14 killed in 2006, 17 in 2005 and 13 in 2004. The total for 2007 be released until June. National statistics compiled by the U.S.

Consumer Product Safety Commission report that 8,104 people have died in ATV crashes between 1982 and 2006. About a third of those were younger than 16. In Missouri, 239 people died in that 24-year period, the commission says. In Illinois, the number who died was 164. The Product Safety Commission nes an ATV as any off- road motor vehicle with three or four tires, a straddle seat and handlebars.

Staff writer Leah Thorsen contributed to this report. 314-340-8115 Paramedic saw need for ATV safety program ATVS FROM C1 Greater St. Louis, a agency that helps 65 area school districts with services such as training and bulk purchasing, is starting a fuel-hedging program in which school districts can buy gasoline at a fixed rate. Larger districts such as Francis Howell, Rockwood, and Parkway are interested. Members of the Cooperating School Districts are also talking about buying fuel in bulk themselves and offering it to school districts for a few cents less a gallon, but they would have to nd a place to store it, said the executive director, John Urkevich.

looking at everything we can do to help our districts, but boy, he said. The Special School District buses about 5,000 students to and from school. That seem like an overwhelming amount unless you consider that many of the students have health conditions that require that they travel in air conditioning or be dropped off and picked up just outside their homes. The chief nancial officer, Rich Carver, said the district is considering the fuel hedge. It may also cut back on the distance traveled for field trips or community-based instruction, for example if stu- dents go to a grocery to practice buying items and interacting with workers.

Will Rosa, director of transportation for the Parkway School District, said drivers are asked to treat the buses as if they were their own vehicles. If constantly braking or are otherwise tough on the bus, the fewer miles per gallon of gas get, Rosa said. The district has also been more vigilant about its no-idle policy, making radio announcements throughout the day to remind drivers. And for the 18th year in a row, the school district got the Excellent Fleet Award from the Missouri Highway Patrol for passing safety checks. buses means going to get better fuel said Rosa.

as simple as air pressure on tires. It does make a difference when operating 150 Some school districts, such as Hazelwood, are trying to save fuel the old-fashioned way: By asking students to walk to school and investing in sidewalks for children who may not have a safe footpath. Hazelwood and St. Louis County are applying for federal money that would be used to build sidewalks near Hazelwood West Middle and Larimore Elementary schools. Last year, the city of Cottleville received more than $203,000 in grants, and in Illinois, Venice got $121,000 from the program.

Total state transportation spending has not risen as quickly as fuel prices, leaving districts to cover an increasingly higher portion of the costs. According to Missouri law, the state can reimburse a district up to 75 percent of eligible transportation costs. But this year, the state is expected to reimburse districts about 48 percent of what they spend. That percentage has been getting smaller for several years. Amid the fuel crunch, the St.

Louis Public Schools district has fared relatively well. About four years ago, when they hammered out their contract with First Student bus transportation, they did so with the assumption that gasoline would never get above $1.30 a gallon. saved the district over $1 million in fuel costs. But this contract lasts only through the end of summer school, so the good-old-days pricing last for long. putting the numbers together said Deanna Anderson, chief operations cer for the district.

314-340-8228 School districts struggle with cost of fuel LANDFILL FROM C1 1 MILE 370 70 270 St. Charles Rock Rd. Bridgeton Post-Dispatch West Lake Landfill BUSES FROM C1.

St. Louis Post-Dispatch from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


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The St. Louis Post-Dispatch is a regional newspaper based in St.
The November 25, 2014 front page of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
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St. Louis is a vibrant metropolis in the heartland of the USA, with its fiercely independent frontier-town roots, layered with Midwest modesty. Commonly referred to as the 'Gateway to the West', this eclectic city is famous for its iconic Gateway Arch, fiercely loyal sports fans, and blues music scene.

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Dispatched: It means the seller has packaged the product, organized all the necessary information, and handed it over to the delivery company. Shipped: The package is with the courier and in transit to the carrier facility, where you can receive it within a few business days.

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People from St. Louis are generally called St. Louisans. This follows the pattern for many cities and states.

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Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone, percent(a) 0.1%
Two or More Races, percent 4.7%
Hispanic or Latino, percent(b) 4.3%
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino, percent 44.6%
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Grammy Award-winning hip hop recording artist Nelly, two-time Tony awards recipient Norbert Leo, and the world's greatest athlete Jackie Joyner-Kersee reside in St. Louis. Did you know that Tina Turner lived in St.

Why are people moving out of St. Louis? ›

O'Brien said specific causes likely differ from city to city. However, the rise of remote work during the pandemic and lockdown restrictions played a role in why some people moved away, he said. In St. Louis, some of the reasons include access to quality school systems and amplification of crime, Sandoval said.

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In 2021 it was named one of the top 20 most fun cities in America from WalletHub. Whether it's for the low cost of living, inexpensive housing, or amenities and entertainment, it appears that residents love St. Louis. Many have also said that it feels like a big city with a small-town charm.

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Affordable Living

St. Louis is known for its affordable cost of living. Despite being one of the largest cities in the Midwest, the cost of living here is about 15% lower than the national average. The median home price hovers around $130,000 and the median rent at around $750.

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FAQ. How much does an obituary in the St Louis Post-Dispatch cost? Placing an obituary in the St Louis Post-Dispatch starts at $153.00. Package prices can vary depending on the edition of the paper (weekday, weekend, or Sunday editions) and other factors such as the length of the obituary.

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Ian Caso, named publisher and president of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020.

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.