Old Fashioned Sweet Pickle Recipe: Homemade Pickles Made Easy - Rustic Roots Living (2024)

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Discover the joy of making your own old fashioned sweet pickles with this . Customize the taste and enjoy the satisfaction of homemade pickles that are bursting with flavor.

Ingredients for Old Fashioned Sweet Pickle Recipe

When it comes to making old fashioned sweet pickles, the ingredients you use play a crucial role in achieving that perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess. Let’s take a closer look at the key ingredients that make up this delicious recipe.


The star of the show, cucumbers are the main ingredient in any sweet pickle recipe. It’s important to select fresh, firm cucumbers that are just the right size. Look for cucumbers that are small to medium in size, as they tend to be more tender and have fewer seeds. You can use either pickling cucumbers or regular slicing cucumbers, depending on your preference.

White vinegar

White vinegar is the go-to vinegar for making sweet pickles. Its mild flavor allows the other ingredients to shine without overpowering them. This type of vinegar also helps preserve the vibrant green color of the cucumbers. Make sure to use distilled white vinegar, as other types of vinegar may alter the taste and appearance of the pickles.


Sugar is what gives old fashioned sweet pickles their delightful sweetness. You can use either granulated white sugar or brown sugar, depending on your taste preferences. The amount of sugar you use will depend on how sweet you want your pickles to be. It’s always a good idea to start with a smaller amount and adjust to your liking.

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Salt is an essential ingredient in any pickle recipe, as it helps enhance the flavors and acts as a natural preservative. You can use either pickling salt or kosher salt, as long as it doesn’t contain any additives. Be sure to follow the recipe guidelines for the right amount of salt, as too little or too much can affect the overall taste of the pickles.

Mustard seeds

Mustard seeds add a delightful burst of flavor and texture to old fashioned sweet pickles. These tiny seeds provide a subtle tanginess that complements the sweetness of the pickles. You can use either yellow or brown mustard seeds, depending on your preference. If you prefer a milder flavor, you can also use mustard powder instead.

To help you visualize the ingredients needed for this recipe, here’s a handy table:

CucumbersX number
White vinegarX cups
SugarX cups
SaltX tablespoons
Mustard seedsX tablespoons

Now that we have covered the key ingredients for making old fashioned sweet pickles, let’s move on to the next section where we will explore the preparation steps in detail.

Preparation Steps for Old Fashioned Sweet Pickle Recipe

The preparation steps for making an old fashioned sweet pickle recipe are simple and straightforward. By following these steps, you can create delicious homemade pickles that are bursting with flavor. Let’s dive into the process!


Washing and slicing the cucumbers

The first step in making old fashioned sweet pickles is to wash and slice the cucumbers. Start by selecting fresh and firm cucumbers from your local market or garden. Ensure that they are thoroughly washed to remove any dirt or impurities. Then, using a sharp knife, slice the cucumbers into your desired shape and size. Some people prefer to slice them into rounds, while others like to cut them into spears. The choice is yours!

Combining vinegar, sugar, and salt

Once the cucumbers are sliced, it’s time to create the brine for your sweet pickles. In a large pot, combine white vinegar, sugar, and salt. The vinegar provides the tangy flavor, while the sugar adds sweetness and the salt enhances the overall taste. The exact measurements of these ingredients may vary depending on your personal preference and the quantity of pickles you wish to make. It’s always a good idea to start with a small batch and adjust the flavors accordingly.

Boiling the mixture

After combining the vinegar, sugar, and salt, bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat. Stir occasionally to ensure that the sugar and salt dissolve completely. Boiling the mixture helps to infuse the flavors and create a well-balanced brine. The boiling process also helps to sterilize the brine, ensuring the longevity of your pickles. Allow the mixture to boil for a few minutes until it reaches a rolling boil.

Adding mustard seeds

Once the brine is boiling, it’s time to add the secret ingredient that gives old fashioned sweet pickles their distinct flavor – mustard seeds. Mustard seeds add a subtle tanginess and a unique texture to the pickles. Sprinkle the mustard seeds into the boiling brine and stir gently to distribute them evenly. You can adjust the amount of mustard seeds based on your preference. If you prefer a stronger mustard flavor, add more seeds. For a milder taste, reduce the quantity.

Pouring the mixture over cucumbers

With the brine ready and the mustard seeds incorporated, it’s time to pour the mixture over the sliced cucumbers. Place the cucumbers in a clean and sterilized jar or container that can be tightly sealed. Carefully pour the hot brine over the cucumbers, ensuring that they are fully submerged. The brine should cover the cucumbers completely to ensure proper pickling. Use a spoon or spatula to press down on the cucumbers gently, removing any air bubbles trapped within the jar.

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Congratulations! You have successfully completed the preparation steps for making old fashioned sweet pickles. The next section will guide you through the pickling and storing process to ensure that your pickles are perfectly preserved and ready to enjoy.

(Note: Refer to the “Pickling and Storing Old Fashioned Sweet Pickles” section for further instructions on pickling and storing the cucumbers.)

Pickling and Storing Old Fashioned Sweet Pickles

Pickling cucumbers to make old fashioned sweet pickles is a delightful process that allows you to preserve the crispness and tanginess of these beloved vegetables. With the right techniques, you can create jars of pickles that will last for months, ready to be enjoyed as a snack or added to your favorite dishes. In this section, we will explore the steps involved in pickling the cucumbers, properly sealing the jars, and storing the pickles for optimal freshness. We will also discuss the shelf life of pickles, ensuring that you can enjoy their deliciousness for as long as possible.

Pickling the cucumbers

To begin the pickling process, you’ll need to start with fresh cucumbers. It’s important to select cucumbers that are firm and have a vibrant green color. Avoid cucumbers that are soft, wrinkled, or yellowish, as they may not yield the desired results. Once you have your cucumbers, wash them thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris.

Next, it’s time to slice the cucumbers according to your preference. Some people prefer thick slices, while others enjoy thinner ones. The choice is yours! Keep in mind that thicker slices may take longer to pickle, so adjust the size based on your desired outcome.

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Properly sealing the jars

Properly sealing the jars is crucial in preserving the freshness and flavor of your old fashioned sweet pickles. Start by sterilizing the jars and lids to ensure that they are clean and free from any bacteria. You can do this by washing them in hot, soapy water or running them through a dishwasher cycle.

Once the jars are sterilized, carefully fill them with the pickled cucumbers, leaving about half an inch of headspace at the top. This headspace is important to allow for expansion during the pickling process.

Now it’s time to seal the jars. Place the lids on top and screw them on tightly. It’s important to ensure that the lids are properly sealed to prevent any air from entering the jars. This will help maintain the freshness and crispness of your pickles.

Storing the pickles

After sealing the jars, it’s time to store your old fashioned sweet pickles in a cool and dark place. The ideal storage temperature for pickles is between 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. A pantry or cellar would be perfect for this purpose.

It’s important to note that pickles need time to develop their flavors. Allow the pickles to sit undisturbed for at least two weeks before opening the jars. This will give the flavors time to meld together and create that irresistible taste we all love.

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Shelf life of pickles

Now, let’s talk about the shelf life of your homemade old fashioned sweet pickles. When stored properly, these pickles can last for up to a year. However, it’s important to note that the texture and flavor may change over time. The pickles may become slightly softer and the flavors may mellow out.

To ensure the best quality, it’s recommended to consume the pickles within six to eight months. This is when they are at their peak in terms of flavor and texture. However, if you notice any signs of spoilage, such as mold or an off smell, it’s best to discard the pickles.

Variations of Old Fashioned Sweet Pickle Recipe

When it comes to making old fashioned sweet pickles, there are numerous variations that you can explore to add your own unique twist to this classic recipe. By experimenting with different ingredients and flavors, you can create pickles that suit your personal taste preferences. In this section, we will dive into some popular variations that you can try out in your own kitchen.

Adding spices like dill or garlic

One way to elevate the flavor profile of your old fashioned sweet pickles is by incorporating additional spices such as dill or garlic. These spices can add a delightful kick and complexity to the pickles, making them even more enjoyable to eat. Dill is a classic choice that pairs well with the sweetness of the pickles, while garlic adds a savory note that can enhance the overall taste. You can experiment with the amount of spices you add to find the right balance that suits your palate.

Using different types of vinegar

While the traditional recipe calls for white vinegar, you can switch things up by using different types of vinegar. Each type of vinegar imparts its own unique flavor profile to the pickles, allowing you to customize the taste to your liking. For example, apple cider vinegar can add a slightly fruity and tangy note, while rice vinegar can lend a subtle sweetness. Balsamic vinegar can also be an interesting choice, offering a rich and slightly sweet flavor. Don’t be afraid to explore the world of vinegars and see which one resonates with your taste buds.

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Experimenting with sugar substitutes

If you are looking to cut down on the amount of sugar in your pickles or prefer a different type of sweetness, experimenting with sugar substitutes is a great option. There are various natural and artificial sweeteners available that can be used as alternatives to traditional sugar. For example, you can try using honey, maple syrup, or even stevia to achieve a different flavor profile. Keep in mind that the sweetness level may vary when using substitutes, so adjust accordingly to find the right balance.

Mixing in other vegetables

To add more depth and texture to your old fashioned sweet pickles, consider mixing in other vegetables. This not only adds visual appeal but also introduces different flavors and crunchiness to the pickles. Some popular vegetables to mix in include sliced onions, bell peppers, carrots, or even cauliflower florets. By combining these vegetables with the cucumbers, you can create a medley of flavors that will make your pickles stand out. Play around with different vegetable combinations until you find your favorite mix.

In summary, the variations of old fashioned sweet pickle recipes are endless. By adding spices like dill or garlic, using different types of vinegar, experimenting with sugar substitutes, and mixing in other vegetables, you can create a truly unique and personalized pickle experience. Remember, the key is to have fun and let your taste buds guide you as you explore the wonderful world of pickle variations. So why not embark on a culinary adventure and start experimenting with these exciting options? Your taste buds will thank you!

Serving Suggestions for Old Fashioned Sweet Pickles

When it comes to serving old fashioned sweet pickles, the possibilities are endless. These tangy and flavorful treats can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, whether you’re looking to enhance a sandwich, add a zing to your salads, or create an impressive charcuterie board. Let’s explore some fantastic serving suggestions that will elevate your culinary creations.

Pairing with Sandwiches or Burgers

One of the most classic ways to enjoy old fashioned sweet pickles is by pairing them with sandwiches or burgers. The combination of the savory fillings with the tangy sweetness of the pickles creates a delightful contrast of flavors. The pickles add a refreshing crunch and a burst of flavor that complements the richness of the sandwich or burger. Whether you’re making a simple ham and cheese sandwich or a gourmet burger with all the fixings, adding old fashioned sweet pickles will take your creation to the next level.

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Using as a Side Dish for Meals

Old fashioned sweet pickles also make a fantastic side dish for meals. Their vibrant flavor and crisp texture can balance out the richness of main dishes, providing a refreshing and tangy element to your plate. Whether you’re serving grilled chicken, roasted vegetables, or a hearty steak, a side of old fashioned sweet pickles will add a burst of flavor and a touch of sweetness to your meal. The pickles can be enjoyed on their own or combined with other side dishes to create a delicious medley of flavors.

Incorporating into Salads or Relish Trays

If you’re looking to add a pop of flavor to your salads or relish trays, old fashioned sweet pickles are the perfect addition. Their tangy sweetness can cut through the richness of dressings and add a delightful crunch to your greens. You can chop them up and toss them into your favorite salad recipes, or arrange them alongside other relishes and condiments for a visually appealing and tasty relish tray. The pickles will provide a burst of flavor and texture that will take your salads and relish trays to new heights.

Adding to Charcuterie or Cheese Boards

Charcuterie and cheese boards have become increasingly popular, and old fashioned sweet pickles are a fantastic addition to these delightful spreads. The combination of cured meats, artisanal cheeses, and sweet pickles creates a wonderful balance of flavors. The pickles provide a touch of sweetness and acidity that complements the rich and savory flavors of the charcuterie and cheese. Their vibrant color and crisp texture also add visual appeal to the board, making it an enticing centerpiece for any gathering or occasion.

In summary, old fashioned sweet pickles are versatile and can be enjoyed in a multitude of ways. Whether you’re looking to elevate your sandwiches, add a zing to your salads, create a delicious side dish, or enhance your charcuterie or cheese board, these tangy and sweet treats are sure to impress. Experiment with different serving suggestions and let your creativity shine as you incorporate old fashioned sweet pickles into your culinary creations.

Tips and Tricks for Making Old Fashioned Sweet Pickles

Selecting the right cucumbers

When it comes to making old fashioned sweet pickles, choosing the right cucumbers is crucial. You want to pick cucumbers that are firm, crisp, and free from any blemishes or soft spots. Look for cucumbers that are about 4 to 6 inches long, as these tend to have the ideal texture for pickling. Avoid cucumbers that are too large or have a waxy coating, as they may not pickle properly. If possible, opt for pickling cucumbers, which are specifically bred for pickling and have a thin skin that will absorb the flavors of the brine more effectively.

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Adjusting the sweetness and tanginess

The sweetness and tanginess of old fashioned sweet pickles can be adjusted according to your personal taste preferences. Once you’ve prepared the brine by combining vinegar, sugar, and salt, you can experiment with the ratios to achieve your desired flavor. If you prefer your pickles sweeter, add a bit more sugar to the brine. On the other hand, if you prefer a tangier taste, increase the amount of vinegar. Remember to taste the brine as you go and make adjustments accordingly. Don’t be afraid to get creative and add other spices or herbs to enhance the flavor profile of your pickles.

Properly sterilizing the jars

Before you start pickling, it’s crucial to properly sterilize the jars that will hold your old fashioned sweet pickles. This step is essential to ensure the safety and longevity of your pickles. Start by washing the jars and lids with hot, soapy water. Rinse them thoroughly and then place them in a pot of boiling water for about 10 minutes. This will kill any bacteria or microorganisms that could spoil your pickles. Once sterilized, remove the jars from the boiling water using tongs and let them air dry upside down on a clean kitchen towel. Make sure to handle the jars with clean hands or clean gloves to avoid contamination.

Allowing pickles to marinate for optimal flavor

To achieve the best flavor and texture in your old fashioned sweet pickles, it’s important to allow them to marinate for an optimal amount of time. After pouring the brine over the cucumbers in the jars, seal the jars tightly and let them sit at room temperature for at least 24 hours. This allows the flavors to meld together and the cucumbers to absorb the brine. For even better results, refrigerate the pickles after the initial 24 hours and let them marinate for an additional 1 to 2 weeks. This extended marinating time will intensify the flavors and give your pickles a truly delicious taste.

In summary, selecting the right cucumbers, adjusting the sweetness and tanginess, properly sterilizing the jars, and allowing the pickles to marinate are essential tips and tricks for making old fashioned sweet pickles. By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to create pickles that are bursting with flavor and have the perfect balance of sweetness and tanginess. So, grab your cucumbers, mix up a batch of brine, and start pickling!

Common Problems and Solutions in Old Fashioned Sweet Pickle Making

Pickles are a beloved condiment for many, adding a tangy and sweet flavor to meals. However, even the most experienced pickle makers can encounter some common problems along the way. In this section, we will explore the potential issues that can arise when making old fashioned sweet pickles and provide simple solutions to ensure your pickle-making endeavors are a success.

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Pickles turning out too sweet

One of the most common problems in pickle making is when the final product turns out excessively sweet. While some people enjoy a sweeter pickle, an overpowering sweetness can mask the tanginess that makes pickles so delicious. If you find yourself with pickles that are too sweet, don’t fret, as there are a few simple solutions to balance the flavors.

  • Adjust the sugar-to-vinegar ratio: The sweetness of pickles primarily comes from the sugar used in the recipe. To reduce the sweetness, try reducing the amount of sugar in the pickling solution. Experiment with different ratios until you achieve the desired balance of sweet and tangy flavors.
  • Increase the vinegar content: Vinegar adds acidity to pickles, which helps to balance out the sweetness. Increase the amount of vinegar in your recipe to counteract the excessive sweetness. Gradually add more vinegar until you achieve the desired flavor profile.
  • Add a touch of tartness: Incorporating a small amount of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar can introduce a tart element to the pickles. This additional tartness can help counterbalance the sweetness and enhance the overall flavor.

Pickles coming out too sour

While some pickle enthusiasts enjoy a strong sour taste, pickles that are overly sour can be off-putting to others. If your pickles come out too sour, there are a few adjustments you can make to achieve a more balanced flavor.

  • Reduce the vinegar content: Sourness in pickles is primarily caused by the high acidity of vinegar. To lessen the sourness, try reducing the amount of vinegar used in the pickling solution. Gradually decrease the vinegar until you reach the desired level of sourness.
  • Increase the sugar content: Sugar helps to counteract the sourness in pickles. If your pickles are too sour, adding a bit more sugar to the pickling solution can help balance the flavors. However, be cautious not to overcompensate, as this may result in overly sweet pickles.
  • Extend the marinating time: Allowing the pickles to marinate for a longer period can mellow out the sourness. Try leaving the pickles in the pickling solution for an extra day or two, allowing the flavors to develop and harmonize.

Pickles becoming too soft

One of the frustrations in pickle making is when the texture becomes overly soft instead of delightfully crisp. To ensure your pickles retain their desired crunchiness, consider the following solutions:

  • Use fresh and firm cucumbers: The quality and freshness of the cucumbers play a significant role in the texture of the pickles. Choose cucumbers that are firm and free from any soft spots or blemishes. Freshly picked cucumbers from your own garden or local farmers’ market are often the best choice.
  • Soak cucumbers in ice water: Before adding the cucumbers to the pickling solution, soak them in ice water for a couple of hours. This process helps to firm up the cucumbers and improve their texture.
  • Add pickling spices: Pickling spices, such as calcium chloride or alum, can help maintain the crispness of the pickles. Follow the instructions on the packaging to determine the appropriate amount to add to your pickling solution.

Pickles not retaining crunchiness

If your pickles have lost their crispness and failed to retain their desired crunchiness, don’t despair. There are a few remedies to revitalize the texture of your pickles:

  • Refrigerate the pickles: Storing the pickles in the refrigerator can help preserve their crispness. The cool temperature slows down the enzymatic processes that can lead to softening. Ensure the pickles are stored in a tightly sealed jar or container to maintain their texture.
  • Reheat the pickling liquid: If the pickles have become soft, you can try reheating the pickling liquid and pouring it over the cucumbers again. The heat can help rejuvenate the texture of the pickles. Allow the pickles to marinate for a few more days before tasting to ensure the desired crunchiness is achieved.
  • Try a pickling spice blend: Some pickling spice blends contain ingredients specifically designed to enhance the crunchiness of pickles. Look for blends that include ingredients like grape leaves or oak leaves, as these can help preserve the crunchiness of the pickles.

Homemade Old Fashioned Sweet Pickle Recipe vs Store-Bought Options

Taste and Flavor Differences

When it comes to comparing homemade old fashioned sweet pickles with store-bought options, one of the most significant differences lies in the taste and flavor. Homemade pickles offer a unique and vibrant flavor that is often hard to find in store-bought varieties. The combination of fresh cucumbers, vinegar, sugar, and spices creates a sweet and tangy taste that is both refreshing and satisfying.

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Unlike store-bought pickles, homemade ones can be customized to suit individual preferences. You have the freedom to adjust the amount of sugar, vinegar, and spices according to your taste buds. This level of control allows you to create pickles that perfectly match your desired flavor profile. Whether you prefer a sweeter pickle or one with a tangier kick, homemade pickles give you the flexibility to achieve the taste you crave.

Additionally, homemade pickles have a distinct freshness that sets them apart from their store-bought counterparts. The cucumbers used in homemade pickles are often hand-picked when they are at their peak ripeness. This ensures that the pickles have a crisp texture and a vibrant taste. On the other hand, store-bought pickles may be made using cucumbers that have been sitting on the shelves for weeks, resulting in a less crisp and flavorful pickle.

Cost Comparison

When considering whether to make homemade old fashioned sweet pickles or purchase them from the store, cost is an important factor to consider. While it may seem that store-bought pickles offer a more affordable option, a closer look at the cost breakdown reveals that homemade pickles can be a budget-friendly choice as well.

On the surface, store-bought pickles may appear cheaper due to the initial cost of purchasing a jar. However, when you factor in the number of servings and the quantity of pickles you get from a jar, homemade pickles often come out as the more cost-effective option. With homemade pickles, you have the ability to make larger batches, which can yield a greater number of servings compared to a single jar of store-bought pickles.

Furthermore, making your own pickles allows you to take advantage of seasonal produce and sales. During the peak cucumber season, when cucumbers are abundant and prices are low, you can stock up and make a large batch of pickles at a fraction of the cost of buying them from the store. This not only saves you money in the long run but also allows you to enjoy the taste of homemade pickles all year round.

Control Over Ingredients and Additives

One of the major advantages of making homemade old fashioned sweet pickles is the control you have over the ingredients and additives used in the recipe. When you make pickles at home, you have the power to choose high-quality cucumbers and fresh ingredients that meet your standards.

Store-bought pickles often contain preservatives, artificial colors, and high levels of sodium. By making your own pickles, you can avoid these additives and create a healthier alternative. You can opt for organic cucumbers and use natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup instead of processed sugar. This allows you to enjoy pickles that are free from unnecessary chemicals and additives.

Additionally, homemade pickles give you the freedom to experiment with different spices and flavors. You can add herbs like dill or garlic to enhance the taste and create unique variations. This level of customization ensures that you can tailor the pickles to your personal preferences and dietary needs.

Personal Satisfaction and Pride in Making Homemade Pickles

Making your own old fashioned sweet pickles from scratch brings a sense of personal satisfaction and pride. There is something incredibly rewarding about transforming fresh cucumbers into delicious pickles through your own efforts. The process of washing, slicing, and preparing the ingredients can be a therapeutic and enjoyable experience.

Furthermore, sharing your homemade pickles with friends and family can be a source of pride. Seeing their faces light up as they taste your flavorful creation is a gratifying experience. Homemade pickles often become a conversation starter and a cherished homemade gift that people look forward to receiving.

In conclusion, the choice between homemade old fashioned sweet pickles and store-bought options ultimately comes down to personal preference. While store-bought pickles may offer convenience, homemade pickles provide a unique and customizable experience. With their superior taste, cost-effectiveness, control over ingredients, and personal satisfaction, homemade pickles hold a special place in the hearts of those who appreciate the art of pickling. So why settle for store-bought when you can embark on a culinary adventure and create your own homemade masterpiece?

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Old Fashioned Sweet Pickle Recipe: Homemade Pickles Made Easy - Rustic Roots Living (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.