How to choose the best small greenhouse - Forest Garden (2024)

You’re in need of a greenhouse, but you’re tight on space and need to find the best small greenhouse for your garden.

Why choose a small greenhouse?

Maybe you’re new to gardening or your outdoor space is at a premium and you don’t want either of these things to stop you from having a go at growing your own food or creating a beautiful cut flower patch.

Or you need a sheltered spot to start your seedlings off for a happy growing season and would love to have a warm space to ripen your tomatoes and other vegetables through Summer. You could even extend your growing season or house your tender plants over the cooler months.

There are many benefits to small greenhouses. They’re space savers, they offer a sheltered spot for growing plants and ours have been designed to look stunning too. A small wooden greenhouse can be an asset to the design of your garden. They even look good in front gardens.

How to choose the best small greenhouse - Forest Garden (1)

What can you grow in small greenhouses?

Mini greenhouses are brilliant for gardening beginners and those with a small garden. Most (all of ours) are designed with removable shelves which allow room for both seedlings, young plants and more mature vegetables as the growing season progresses.

You can store your newly planted flower and vegetable seeds in trays in early Spring, transfer them to individual plant pots as the seedlings mature and once many varieties are moved outdoors after the last frost, the small greenhouse can be used for cultivating vegetables such as tomato plants, cucumbers or peppers.

What is the smallest greenhouse size?

The mini greenhouse is Forest Garden’s smallest greenhouse. At just under 1.5 metres high, 1.2m wide and a narrow depth of 62cm it is a small free standing option with a sloping roof and double doors for easy access. The lower height means it’s perfect for positioning beneath a window.

It’s wide enough to accommodate a standard-size grow bag. The front edge is lowered to encourage efficient rainwater run-off and allow maximum light to enter through the styrene glazing.

Cold Frames are another small space saving option and are suitable for plants that are ready to be moved out of the greenhouse or windowsill and into their outdoor space. When there’s no longer enough room in your mini greenhouse, plants can harden off in the cold frame.

Types of Small Greenhouses

There is a wide range of small greenhouses available made from differing material, including temporary plastic options and aluminium frame greenhouses. The Forest Garden range has a unique difference – all greenhouses are all wooden, manufactured here in the UK from sustainable British timber and are built to last!

The Forest Garden small greenhouse range includes the Georgian Tall Wall Greenhouse, Victorian Tall Wall Greenhouse and the beautifully designed Victorian Walkaround greenhouse.

The elegant Georgian Tall Wall Greenhouse features a steeply pitched roofline, its design inspired by the Georgian era. At just over 2m tall, the tall slim design lets in optimal sunlight and gives plenty of room for starting plants. For small gardens, this is a greenhouse with a lot of style.

The Victorian Tall Wall Greenhouse is another attractive, flexible and compact option. At 1.98m high, 1.47m wide and 74cm deep, it’s ideal for both seedlings, young plants and the removable shelving means that the tall plants and grow bags can be accommodated at ground level.

Last but not least and if you want to stay small but have a little extra space, the Victorian Walkaround Greenhouse is the queen of small greenhouses. The unique design allows easy access to plants from the outside with 4 opening doors that can be hung to suit the position of the greenhouse. The removable shelving can be slotted in and out as required. There is an option for an auto vent for added ventilation.

How effective are mini greenhouses?

Mini greenhouses are an amazing addition to any garden and the perfect solution for small space gardens. They are really effective for starting plants off, sowing seeds and channelling heat and sunlight for sun-loving veggies later in the season.

An opening door or lid is essential not only for easy access but for free-flowing ventilation too.

They take up a minimum amount of space, but at the same time offer a heat filled structure for growing flowers and vegetables.

Do mini greenhouses protect from frost?

Small greenhouses can be used to extend your growing season. Like their larger cousins, smaller greenhouses offer a sheltered spot for plants to stay dry and get started.

Gardeners World suggests temperatures stay at up to 5 degrees warmer in an unheated greenhouse than the outside temperature, so a mini greenhouse is a perfect solution for making the most of the sunny spring days but keeping new seedlings warm at night when there’s still a risk of frost.

Why choose a Forest Garden greenhouse?

All mini greenhouses by Forest Garden are supplied as small greenhouse kits flat-packed for easy self-assembly.

Each is made of a wooden frame with styrene or acrylic glazing, a safer alternative to glass.

They are supplied in their natural timber finish but can be painted in your choice of colour to create a decorative feature in your garden.

Forest Garden small greenhouses are manufactured from FSC® certified timber and come with a 15 Year Anti-Rot Guarantee

How to choose the best small greenhouse - Forest Garden (6)

Which small greenhouse will you choose?

Whether you decide on a small greenhouse, a set of cold frames or a larger traditional wooden greenhouse (take a look at our Vale Greenhouses), the Forest Garden greenhouse range includes a beautiful option to suit your outdoor space.

How to choose the best small greenhouse - Forest Garden (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.